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Calypso's Mad Maximillion
 Max is the first male off spring out of
our Aussie imports. He is beefier than
our American's, a bit taller too. He has a wonderful, low key personality and is welcomed into our breeding program as
our 2nd MBT Aussie stud dog. He is a nice golden brindle color. As you can see Max likes a party.
Cozzie is a very quiet Bully but he does talk by moaning and rarely barks. We call this type of bully a "talker". Coz doesn't mind waiting his turn and loves to lie quietly in the sun resting up...that is until some other bully pal shows up and then he loves to fly and hop all over the yard like a bucking bronco! Cozzie is working up to be a therapy dog.
Calypso's Cosmic Typhoon
"Chaka" is CoCo's son and very much like her in personality and looks. He is very tiny, has a great head and nice bulk as well. Chaka was the smallest of his litter and we fell in love with him because he was so smart, sweet and gentle. He attracts attention where ever he goes! Chaka won the National's Halloween costume contest because he wore a cani "bull" bone on his nose for the entire competition!
Calypso's Fire in the Hole
Calypso's New Prince of Bling
Calypso's Chaka Zulu
Calypso's Vincent Van-Go
This is the Binster...and we call him the "Prince of Bling". He gently helps the baby Mini Bull pups learn to be Mini Bull Terriers. All the moms let him around their pups because he is so respectful. He even taught the Aussie pups to play nicely in the yard when they first came to the USA. He has a great personality we strive for in all our bullies. Gentle manners and a well behaved disposition are key!
This is Wizzie one of the first males we ever produced at Kennel Calypso. He was one of the best dogs to photograph and he would pose so easily. He is the icon puppy on our home page.We are now thankful for digital cameras! Wizzie is living a life of leisure as a happy Miniature Bull Terrier pet. He was our kennel logo dog for many years!
Calypso's Wizzard of Oz
This is Ollie, the New Prince of Bling. He is an off spring of an Australian Interbred, Nila and our American male mini bull, Chaka. He has Chaka's personality and size while having the looks of his mother. Ollie is a personal long term pet and the star of the book Amp Ollie.
Meet Blue, aka Fire in the Hole. Blue is an all American bred Miniature Bull Terrier who now is living the high life in California. He is all white and we use him for many of our ads and photo shoots because he loves to pose. Blue's owner is a film director and we keep pushing for a feature film.
Amchara A Clean Slate !
Meet Mickey! 2010 was a great year for Miniature Bull Terriers in that the PLL gene was found. Primary Lens Luxation can now be a thing of the past. Mickey is the proud father of our first batches of mini bull pups we know will not be plagued by this genetic issue.